a new blog, everyday notions

Hi there! Thanks for stopping by! I'm Rebecca & you could say I'm in the middle of #thegreatsewingbinge. Seriously, I can't stop sewing.

It's all for fun & I fit in with my job- looking after a little one at home. Like a lot of others, I'm really hoping in 2014 I can spend some time on the basics, filling & replacing my wardrobe with me-makes that work- in the area of fit, quality & look.

Sleeveless Grainline Archer

And like all sewing bloggers I guess it all starts with having somewhere to record the makes, the good the bad the magnificent. I love seeing what others have done & hope my little voice can join in the ravelry & fun that is the online community of making! 

Find me on Kollabora here& Instagram & twitter @bechem .

P.s. I'll be spending a few days posting some previous makes (from the last month or so) just so I've got all the recent stuff documented). 

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