Nani Iro Hero Vest

Finally it's cooling down around here! 

This is the Hero Vest by Toni from Make-It-Perfect. A vest can get daily wear around here in our fairly mild cooler season. I picked up this pattern on sale recently through Indiesew, and waited for the right fabric :)

About a month ago I joined the Brisbane Spoolettes for a High Tea in the city. It was my first sewing meet-up and it didn't disappoint! What a lovely afternoon it was. Of course there was the imperative fabric & pattern swap and before you knew it I had some Nani Iro double gauze in my hot little hands! (THANK YOU! to the kind person who brought it along!). This fabric is from the "water windows" series in Odayakayo colour way. It has large squares of watercolour print in beige, purple, taupe & grey. To be honest the taupe/grey wasn't really my scene, but I loved the purple and beige so thought long and hard about what to make from it! Cushions crossed my mind, but the double gauze is just so yummy I knew I wanted to wear it somehow. The vest was a perfect match!

Thanks to my Official Photographer 4year old Son for these pics... taken on the way to kindy... with the kindy toy kookaburra!!

A few notes
  • This is a size Medium with no fit changes
  • I used the Nani Iro as the outer fabric, cutting the pieces to maximise use of the purple/beige squares. I added a CB seam because of the fabric/symmetry I wanted.
  • Also used was white flannelette as the lining (super snuggly) and grey ribbing (from the stash) as the hem band & bindings. I had to make the hem band slightly thinner because of fabric constraints.
  • I used the tutorial on Toni's blog to sew a concealed zipper which gives a lovely finish.
  • Sewing time: one night to assemble pattern & cut out fabric, a second night of sewing. So a pretty easy & quick make.

The end result? A dreamy vest that I love wearing! 

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