Nani Iro Hero Vest

Finally it's cooling down around here! This is the Hero Vest by Toni from Make-It-Perfect . A vest can get daily wear around here in our fairly mild cooler season. I picked up this pattern on sale recently through Indiesew , and waited for the right fabric :) About a month ago I joined the Brisbane Spoolettes for a High Tea in the city. It was my first sewing meet-up and it didn't disappoint! What a lovely afternoon it was. Of course there was the imperative fabric & pattern swap and before you knew it I had some Nani Iro double gauze in my hot little hands! (THANK YOU! to the kind person who brought it along!). This fabric is from the " water windows" s eries in Odayakayo colour way. It has large squares of watercolour print in beige, purple, taupe & grey. To be honest the taupe/grey wasn't really my scene, but I loved the purple and beige so thought long and hard about what to make from it! Cushions crossed my mind, but the double gauze...