Emerson & Archer

Two new makes in this post - the Emerson Shorts by True Bias & a Grainline Archer (fairly modified). I started the shirt about this time last year, trying to make it before an overseas trip. I got up to sewing on the sleeves (no plackets or collar) before I had to let it sit unfinished (I didn't want to rush this make! The fabric was too lush). Once we got home from our holiday it was summer so I left it until it cooled down again. I guess you could say it is definitely "slow fashion" and worth the wait! The shorts are the new Emerson Shorts pattern by True Bias , which just about jumped into my cart the second they were released, and made up pretty soon after that. So I guess these are more a "fast fashion" make! They are exactly what I wanted in a summer short- pockets and an elastic waist, but not too frumpy! I am envisioning many more in my future! Those True Bias patterns are totally my jam, I love the fit and the modern designing too (...